The Curriculum offerings at Our lady of Good Counsel are based upon the Learning Areas managed by the Australian Curriculum Assessment Reporting Authority (ACARA) and Queensland Studies Authority (QSA) together with Religious Education Curriculum which is overseen by Brisbane Catholic Education. These are:
- Religious Education
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- History
- Geography
- The Arts (Drama, Visual Art, Media)
- Music
- Health and Physical Education
- Languages - Japanese
Social Emotional Education
Students’ full growth as persons, as appropriate at various ages and stages of development, is an important part of the curriculum and the wider life of Our Lady of Good Counsel.
Currently, this is structured around the resource 'Strong Kids'. The purpose of teaching social and emotional skills is to promote resilience, strengthening assets, and increasing coping skills. This resource and associated teacher professional development sees age appropriate activities embedded in various Learning Areas on an ongoing basis.
We also make use of suitable visiting individuals and groups to enhance students’ learning in this area.
The process of assessment involves our teachers in:
• Providing students with opportunities to demonstrate what they know and can do in relation to the identified learning essentials;
• Gathering evidence of students’ demonstrations in all learning areas;
• Making judgments about students’ demonstrations in all learning areas.
Staff use a variety of assessment techniques and sources to gather evidence about students’ demonstration of learning. These include:
• Observation
• Focused Analysis
• Consultation
• Self and peer assessment
Reporting is an essential component of the learning process at Our Lady of Good Counsel. It provides information to students, parents and teachers which allows for the celebration of learning achievements as well as goal setting and planning for learning to continue to improve. Reporting occurs in a variety of ways including progress charts, verbal feedback, results from formal assessment items as indicated on criteria sheets, parent information sessions, student progress discussions and interviews, student folios and written reports.